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New Moon

news 2023

Recent Completed
Major Acquisition - Legion Consortium Limited

20 October 2023

We are honoured to have acted as the independent professional valuer for Legion Consortium Limited ( in respect of its major transaction involving acquisition of a property located in Singapore (the “Property”). Ravia’s property valuation report for the Property was appended in the circular published today.


Legion Consortium Limited and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in provision of well-established logistics service in Singapore offering trucking services, freight forwarding services and value-added transport services to customers. According to the circular of the company, upon completion, the Property should be used for the Group’s occupation and its intended uses are (1) storage of general cargoes and containers of the Group, (2) logistics, (3) transportation, and (4) parking of prime movers of the Group.


Details of the major acquisition:


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Recent Completed
Major Acquisition - Grandshores Technology Group Limited

28 July 2023

We are honoured to have acted as the independent professional valuer for Grandshores Technology Group ( in respect of its major transaction involving acquisition of a property located in Singapore (the “Property”). Ravia’s property valuation report for the Property was appended in the circular published today.


Grandshores Technology Group Limited and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in providing integrated building services and undertaking building and construction works in Singapore. According to the circular of the company, The Group intends to use part of the Property as its own foreign workers’ dormitories and part of the Property as its own office.


Details of the major acquisition:


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Recent Completed
IPO - New Media Lab Limited

18 July 2023

We are proud to announce that Ravia has acted as the independent property valuer for New Media Lab Limited‘s initial public offering (IPO) by providing fairness opinion in relation to certain properties. New Media Lab Limited (stock code:, was listed on Main Board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 18 July 2023.  

New Media Lab Limited is a digital media company, providing integrated advertising solutions to advertisers ranging from multi-national brand owners, advertising agencies to SMEs primarily through its digital media platforms. New Media Lab Limited operates nine media brands, namely “新假期” (Weekend Weekly), “東方新地” (Oriental Sunday), “經濟一週” (Economic Digest) and “新 Monday” (New Monday/NM+), More, GOtrip, Sunday Kiss, SSwagger and Madame Figaro. They offer contents ranging from lifestyle such as dining and local attractions, gourmet and gastronomy, fashion, beauty and travel, entertainment news, kids and parenting, electronic gadgets and gaming to designer and luxury labels, finance and investment related contents.

We would like to congratulate New Media Lab Limited and hope that the company will continue to expand in the future.

Details of the IPO:


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Recent Completed
Major Disposal – Blue River Holdings Limited

28 February 2023

We are honoured to have acted as the independent professional valuer for Blue River Holdings Limited ( in respect of its major disposal of Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited (the “Disposal Company”). We have conducted business valuation for 29.75% equity interest of the Disposal Company. The Business Valuation was appended in the circular published today.

The Disposal Group is principally engaged in providing comprehensive engineering and property-related services, with operations in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau and Southeast Asia. Also is one of the Group C approved contractors for public work recognised by the Development Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong.

After the disposal, the company would be continuing to engage in the ports and logistics business carried out by Minsheng Gas. Minsheng Gas owns and operates the largest liquefied petroleum gas storage-tank farm and a river terminal in midstream of Yangtze River, and has four compressed natural gas automotive fueling stations in Wuhan City, the PRC.

We wish the company continued success in its corporate development.

Details of the major disposal:

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Recent Completed
Major Disposal – Blue River Holdings Limited

26 January 2023

We are honoured to have acted as the independent professional valuer for Blue River Holdings Limited ( in respect of its major disposal of Profit Tycoon Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (the “Target Group”). We have conducted business valuation for 100% of equity interest in the Target Group (the “Business Valuation”) as well as property valuation in respect of the properties held by the Target Group (the “Property Valuation”). The Business Valuation and Property Valuation reports were appended in the circular published today.

The Target Group is principally engaged in (i) development, investment and sale of properties; (ii) development of a sport recreation project; and (iii) exploitation of hot springs and development of recreational facilities at Xiao Yangkou. ​Upon disposal of the Target Group, the company would be engaged in the ports and logistics business carried out by Hubei Minsheng Liquefied Petroleum Gas Limited (‘‘Minsheng Gas’’). Minsheng Gas owns and operates the largest liquefied petroleum gas (‘‘LPG’’) storage-tank farm and a river terminal in midstream of Yangtze River, and has one LPG and four compressed natural gas automotive fueling stations in Wuhan City, the PRC.


We wish the company continued success in its corporate development.


Details of the major disposal:


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Wan Chai, Hong Kong

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