news 2019
Social Responsibility: Voluntary Work
15 November 2019
As a social responsible firm, Ravia is constantly making effort to contribute to our society. On 15th November, we have participated in the voluntary work of Banyan Service Association. It warmed our hearts when we saw the smiley faces of the elderly the moment they received our prepared meal and gift packs. Please feel free to contact us for more details about the donation program.
Stock Conversion Ceremony: Hong Guang Lighting Holdings Company Limited
13 November 2019
We were very glad to to have attended the stock conversion ceremony of our client, Hong Guang Lighting Holdings Company Limited (Stock Code: 6908), to celebrate their Transfer of Listing from Growth Enterprise Market (“GEM”) to the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). Congratulations!
Listing Ceremony: Town Ray Holdings Limited
25 October 2019
We were honored to be invited to the listing ceremony of our client, Town Ray Holdings Limited (, to witness the moment that it is successfully listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
CPD Course: Valuation in Business & Property
20 September 2019
The first CPD Course organized by Ravia with Kornerstone and the Professional Company was held on 20 September 2019. The course aims to introduce the concepts and methods in valuation to various professions. In the course, we were thrilled to have Dr. Alan Lee and Mr. Elvis Ng, shared their knowledge and insights in the field of valuation.
資本壹週 第723期 2019年9月19日刊登
20 September 2019
相信對熱愛足球朋友來說,陳偉豪 (偉豪) 這名字絕對不會陌生 --- 前香港足球隊隊長,效力港隊17年,為港隊上陣65場國際A級賽及其他賽事合共超過100場,最為港人熟悉的,當然是2009年東亞運動會中,為港隊奪得首項大型綜合運動會足球金牌,並效力本地班霸南華超過10年之久,更擔任球隊隊長多年,期間為球隊奪得多個冠軍及個人獎項,2018 獲香港特別行政區頒發社區服務獎殊榮。
能擁有這些成就,當然就是偉豪對足球的一份堅持與熱誠,他對未來新一代足球的培訓,更是不計成果無私的付出,今天偉豪加入了我們 Ravia 這個大家庭,不僅讓整個公司都滿載了一份魄力與幹勁,盼望在未來工作上讓我們的團隊和客戶都同樣感受到這一份熱誠,讓我們共同攜手共創佳績。
Interview by Oriental Daily: Ravia Director Alan Lee
02 August 2019
Ravia Director Alan Lee was interviewed by oriental daily to share relationship of valuation and horse racing.
Details of the access :
Valuation in Business & Property
24 July 2019
We are proud to announce the cooperation with The Profectional Company Limited to launch for CPD courses for Professions. First course will be held on 20 September 2019 and details are as follows:-
Course Outline:
Valuation arises in a wide variety of situations involving, for example, merger and acquisition, bankruptcy, divorce, taxation, corporate finance and accounting treatment. In complex disputes, there may be debate over the valuation methodology and major assumptions adopted. While different valuers might have different views and approach on valuing businesses or assets, the core principle remains the same. The short course aims to provide some general insights about the valuation process, methodology and the fundamental principles of valuation.
The course will cover the followings:
Valuation Process
Valuation Methodology
Major Assumptions in Different Valuation Approaches
Business Valuation
Property Valuation
Case Studies
Details of the course :
Donation for Charity walk 2019: Step Out for Children - Treasure Hunt and Carnival
09 July 2019
Ravia is pleasured to be the silver sponsor providing financial support to the charity event 'Step Out for Children - Treasure Hunt and Carnival' organised by the Society For The Relief of Disabled Children.
Step Out for Children had been held last year having Ravia as one of the Silver sponsors as well and was happily attended by many on 30 September 2018. The aim was to raise funds for the continuous support towards the database for genetic disorders. Ravia hopes that the event will be held successfully and looks forward to the continuous support to The Society for the Relief of Disabled Children.
Details of the event:
Sponsorship: Hong Kong Guide Dog Association Charity Gala Premiere - "Little Q"
09 July 2019
Ravia is honored for sponsoring the new movie "Little Q" gala premiere for the Hong Kong Guide Dog Association.
The HKGDA is an association which ensures people with disabilities to live with independence and dignity through the right choice of service dogs.
Our Director, Dr. Alan Lee, Invited by Rotary Club of City Northwest Hong Kong
08 May 2019 & 05 June 2019
Our Director, Dr. Alan Lee, was invited as guest
to see a professional sharing with Rotary Club of City Northwest Hong Kong.