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news 2021

Recent Completed
Rights Issue- Great Wall Terroir Holdings Limited

12 November 2021

Ravia is honoured to be engaged by Great Wall Terroir Holdings Limited (0524.HK) to act as the independent professional valuer in the Company’s rights issue, in which Ravia’s property valuation report was appended in the circular published today.

Great Wall Terroir Holdings Limited is an investment holding company principally engaged in the telecommunication and information technology (IT) business. The Company operates its business through two segments. The Telecommunication Services segment is engaged in the telecommunication and information technology business. The IT and Distribution Business segment is engaged in the provision of financial payment processing solutions and software development services and distribution business through e-commerce platform. The Company mainly provides services in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and other places. Wish the Company every success in the future.

Details of the circular:

Recent Completed
M & A - DaChan Food (Asia) Limited

24 September 2021

Great applause to DaChan Food (Asia) Limited (3999.HK) (the “Company”) and the transaction team!


Ravia is honoured to be engaged by DaChan Food (Asia) Limited (3999.HK) to act as the independent professional valuer in the Company’s major and connected transaction, in which Ravia’s equity valuation report and property valuation report were appended in the circular published today.


DaChan Food (Asia) Limited is a transnational conglomerate with operations in the People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, and Malaysia. The Company is a leading provider of fully integrated animal protein products, its product lines include processed food and feeds, poultry, and advanced nutritional formulas for aquatic animals. Wish the Company every success in the future.


Details of the acquisition:

Recent Completed
M & A - China Overseas Nuoxin International Holdings Limited

21 September 2021

We are honoured to have performed business valuation and property valuation in the M&A project of China Overseas Nuoxin International Holdings Limited (stock code:


Founded in 1984, China Overseas Nuoxin International Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in business of design, manufacture, and sales of electrical haircare products. The company has excellent reputation, and has established a scalable market and comprehensive supply chain system.


We would like to extend our sincere congratulations to China Overseas Nuoxin International Holdings Limited and wish the company every success in the future.

Details of the acquisition:

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Hong Kong Most Outstanding Services Awards
25 August 2021

Ravia is grateful and honored to be credited by Hong Kong Most Outstanding Services Awards 2021 (HKMOS). This prestigious award, presented by CORPHUB, is a great recognition for Ravia’s extraordinary achievements in delivering excellent service quality and receiving customer satisfaction.

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Ravia Group Trophy
Recent Completed
Very Substantial Disposal - Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited

25 August 2021

We are honoured to have acted as an independent professional valuer for Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited, and the property valuation report was appended in the circular published today (stock code:

Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited is an investment holding company mainly engaged in software products. Together with its subsidiaries, the Company operates business through its three operating segments: the Software Platform segment, Money Lending segment, and Mobile Gaming segment.

We wish the Company a flourishing day and a day!

Details of the circular:

Car Auction agent for Client 
6 August 2021

On the 8th August, there will be a car auction including a Rolls-Royce from one of the clients of Ravia with the model : PHANTOM EWB.

On the 1st August, Business Director of Sing Tao Daily Mr. Lok and Mr. Fan made a live on introducing the Rolls-Royce. It is one of the top ranking cars in the auction which got high comments from the two hosts.

The auction could be done online on the day and here are some information of the Rolls-Royce.

Ravia Group
Corporate Development : Interview
22 June 2021

Ravia was interviewed by Corphub, talking about our business development, along with the great news about our football team!


On the other hand, reminding the Corporate Social Responsibility works we have made in the past.

For the full interview content:

Ravia Group
Ravia Football Team : Champion of HKFA Division 3
13 June 2021

Since November 2020, Ravia Group Football Team (the “Team”) competed with 15 football teams under the Hong Kong Football Association (the "HKFA") Division 3.  

In this season (2020-2021 season), we got a foreign aid from the ex-Hong Kong Premier League (前港超外援球員) Caleb Ekwegwo (卡立·艾域禾). He was the Top Scorer in Division 1 (香港甲組聯賽神射手) during 2016-2017 season.

The matches were once suspended due to Covid-19, however, it didn’t affect the Team’s performance. The Team was defeated once only, then they made a 12-game winning streak throughout the season and finally won the champion.


Congratulations to the Team! We look forward to stepping up to a new level and learning from each other teams in the next season.

Ravia Group
Ravia Group
Ravia Group
Ravia Group
Ravia Group
Ravia Group
Ravia Group
Award : Energywi$e Certificate & Wastewi$e Certificate
10 June 2021

Ravia is honored to receive the Energywi$e Certificate and the Wastewi$e Certificate under the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification Scheme.

The Certificates are synonymous with exceptional leadership in the environmental arena to promote the achievement of the Certificate in energy saving and waste reduction. That means that we are going green with the Government to achieve common environmental objectives.

We will keep on going green and build a more environmentally friendly company. We are also joining the community of promoting corporate social responsibility.

Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Charity - Pet Volunteer with Hong Kong Dog Rescue
4 June 2021

On the 4th June 2021, We volunteered to walk the dogs at the Tai Po centre of Hong Kong Dog Rescue . It was a meaningful day for us.


The Centre is located at 6 Shek Lin Road, now taking care of around four hundred medium to large sized dogs running freely in individual enclosure.


We helped to walk the dogs under the guide of the instructor. The dogs were barking and jumping for attention when we arrived but they became more calm after having a walking. As a volunteer, we have a deeper understanding about the needs of the dogs. We hope to get the public’s attention on stray dogs and spread the message of adoption instead of purchase. All we need are a love of dogs and a good sense of responsibility.

More details on volunteering at Hong Kong Dog Rescue:

Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Recent Completed
M & A - L & A International Holdings Limited 

15 March 2021

We are glad to announce that Ravia has taken a stake in a recent major and connected transaction of our client- L & A International Holdings Limited (stock code:, by offering business valuation and property valuation services.  

Established in 2001,  L & A International Holdings Limited is an established garment manufacturer and seller, provider in Hong Kong offering Original Equipment Manufacturer section and apparels business . Their responsibilities include ensuring that production and quality of their garments in good condition.

We would like to congratulate  L & A International Holdings Limited and hope that it will continue its business expansion in the future.

Details of the acquisition:

Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Recent Completed
IPO - Legion Consortium Limited

13 January 2021


Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited

We are proud to announce that Ravia has taken a stake in a new publicly traded company Legion Consortium Limited that recently completed an initial public offering (IPO) by offering a real estate appraisal service. Legion Consortium Limited (stock code:, listed on Main Board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on January 13, 2021. The IPO of the stock was oversubscribed 442 times, with a profit rate of only 1.09% due to the popularity of the stock.

Legion Consortium Limited was founded in 1995 and is an established logistics service provider in Singapore offering trucking, freight forwarding and value-added transportation services. Their responsibilities include ensuring that freight is delivered on time and in good condition.

We would like to congratulate Legion Consortium Limited and hope that it will continue its business expansion in the future.

Details of the IPO:


Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited

Contact Us


83 Wan Chai Road,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel:  (852) 2811 1876
Fax: (852) 3007 8501

© 2021 by Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited.

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